Indian Village Resident Featured in AM NY Story On D-Day

92 year old Pat Dolan told his story of fighting in Italy during D-Day to Am NY, the free newspaper circulated around the city largely at subway stations.  The U.S. Army private who earned four medals and went on to become a TWU labor organizer and actor and serves on Community Board 11.  The entire story can be read here.

“‘We took Rome,'” two days before, but Normandy was more prominently covered in the press, infuriating Gen. Mark Clark, Dolan said. “He felt slighted,” as did other soldiers who felt the folks at home “forgot all about Italy,” where casualties were also profound, recalled Dolan.”

U.S. Army World War II veteran Patrick Dolan

Charles Eckert/ AM NY

He recalled how the troops got their news from Stars and Stripes, a military produced newspaper, and that  the troops in Italy didn’t know what was happening on the beaches of France, in part because the military newspaper, Stars and Stripes, was their only source of news,

 “‘We just figured the war wasn’t over yet: We had to keep on working and take all those towns,’ Dolan recalled.”

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