Pelham Parkway Neighborhood Association Gives Back to Community for Thanksgiving


On Tuesday night, Pelham Parkway Neighborhood Association held their monthly community meeting. In the spirit of giving and helping out families who are in need, the organization raffled off ten turkeys for members and non-members alike. The turkeys were donated by Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj’s office.

The night’s guest speaker was Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj who answered community members questions and listened to their concerns, from improving the accessibility of bus stops to housing issues. “I can’t stress enough the injustice that happens in this borough, and it is because  we’re mistreated and we allow it to continue to happen. Time has come to stand our ground and make a difference.” Assemblyman Gjonaj told community members.  Continuing, he reminded members that, “You can only get out of a community only what you put into it.”

Other neighborhood issues included creating more tree guards for the area and getting bicycle racks in front of Pelham Parkway-Van Nest Library. The community was cautioned about recent events in which a number of pedestrians were struck by cars while crossing the corner of Lydig Avenue and Hone Avenue. While Vision Zero has lowered the speed limit of city streets to 25mph, residents were urged to use caution while crossing the street.

Community members were encouraged to participate in a public hearing being held on November 20th concerning the proposed Emergency Placement Unit (EPU) at 1632 Taylor Avenue. The public hearing will be held at Einstein College of Medicine’s Lubin Hall at 1200 Van Nest Avenue at 7 p.m. The Bronx Chronicle reported on this public hearing yesterday, which can be found here.

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