Je Suis Charlie

Office at Charlie

Office at Charlie

It is incumbent on each if us to speak out against terrorism and its goals wherever it occurs.

The murderous attack on the satirical magazine Charlie Hedo was not just strike at a French magazine or at France. It tried to strike a blow to freedom of expression: a cherished human right. It tried to strike a blow to a rights guaranteed in the United States by our Bill of Rights and constitution. It tried to implant fear and defeat in the hearts of the French and those in the world who believe in basic rights and freedom.

Just as 9/11 was not a defeat for us, this act of terrorism will be defeated by our taking on the identity and goals of those slaughtered.

We are Charlie

We are Charlie

Yes, I am Charlie.

I mourn, but also take on the right of all to express their views, even if do not agree with them. To feel otherwise is defeat. By supporting what Charlie Hebdo stands for is acting to defeat terrorists. In my writings, I express my views knowing that some, including close friends, will disagree with them. I also know that my friends always support my right of expression. My Editor-in-Chief Sal Conforto and my Managing Editor Omesh Persaud have given me carte blanc to write what I believe in even if they might disagree. I will always feel free and want to express what comes from my heart. As was said by General John Stark during our revolution: “Live Free or Die: Death is not the worst of evils”. “Live Free or Die” (“Vivre Libre ou Mourir” was also a motto during the French Revolution.)

We need to condemn this terrorist act, not as an act by any one religion, ideology or nationality, but by people, and I use that word loosely, who are blaspheming the basic core of our existence. It is interesting to note that one of the police officers killed was Muslim. Charlie Hebdo’s usual circulation is 45,000. Next week’s issue will be 1,000,000. Yes, One Million. An anonymous donor has contributed to the greatly increased number to be printed. I plan to order at least one hard copy online and have it sent here. I am doing this in solidarity with those who perished and what Charlie Hebdo stands for: Freedom of Expression. I urge – no, request – that those of you who join in supporting this freedom we hold dear do the same.

Infidels murdering a Moslem police officer

Infidels murdering a Moslem police officer

Quite honestly, I was very surprised, actually shocked, by the statement from the Catholic League saying that the editors of Charlie Hebdo were responsible for their own deaths. Part of the statement from Bill Donohue, President of the Catholic League, was that the murdered editor “… didn’t understand the role he played in his own tragic death” As one who often disagrees with statements by the Catholic League, I will always support their right to share their beliefs and views. Of course Donohue has every right to his views even if it is exceptionally insensitive and contrary to freedom of expression. If you concur a nice polite communication to Mr. Donohue would show your support of freedom of expression.

Personally, I can see why Muslims would find some of the cartoons offensive. I can see why Christians would find some of the cartoons offensive. I can see why many in the public eye would find some of the cartoons offensive. As a Jew I find some of the cartoons offensive. The only remedy is for those who object to a magazine, newspaper, book is not to read the publication. Freedom of expression must reign supreme.

Let us all cherish freedom of expression, be Charlie Hebdo and be victorious against a bunch of terrorists.


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