National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day Friday January 9, 2015

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Each day, some 900,000 police officers across the country put a badge on and go to work knowing they may face extremely dangerous situations. On average, a law enforcement officer is killed in the line of duty every 58 hours. More than 50,000 officers are assaulted, and more than 15,000 officers are injured in the line of duty each year. There are few other professions in the world where you will find these kinds of statistics.

On Friday, January 9th, we ask our nation’s citizens to action in support of law enforcement. Citizens who appreciate law enforcement and are encouraged to take time to show their support for law enforcement in a number of ways:
• Change your profile picture on social media to this image
• Wear blue clothing in support of law enforcement
• Send a card of support to your local police department or state
• Share a story about a positive law enforcement experience on
social media
• Ask children in your community to write letters in support of law
•Shine a blue light from your house

Most importantly, if you see a police officer, say thank you.

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