Profile America: TV Viewing From Open-Reel to Digital Recorders


Profile America — The contemporary habit of adjusting TV viewing to your own convenience got its sputtering start 50 years ago. The Sony Corporation began marketing its open-reel videotape recorder in 1966 to individual consumers. The black and white system didn’t make much of an impression. But the Japanese company did far better in 1975 with the introduction of the Betamax VCR for home recording and playback. Although Betamax quickly lost out in the market to the competing VHS format, it has survived up to now. Sony will stop making Betamax cassettes in March. From early open-reel recorders through VCRs to today’s DVD players and digital recorders, about 91 percent of America’s households have units to manage their TV viewing.

Sources: Kane’s Famous First Facts, U.S. Census Bureau

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