Autism League at Bronxchester: Achieving goals

Rich Mancuso-100x100By Rich Mancuso/ Sports Editor

The kids and parents were under the hot sun this past Sunday on the fields of the Bronxchester Little League and there were many smiles. Lizette Rodriguez-Hernandez was the first to smile and it was about another season of accomplishment and awarding kids with autism and special needs who were the stars,

13458539_10209802722929268_8809644020969518309_oHernandez, a resident of the South Bronx has been a baseball fan. She played the game along with her husband. Her brother also handles operations of the reputed Bronxchester Little League that plays their games on the fields that are situated on grounds of the Bronx Psychiatric Center.

But this day was special, as it has been the past three years for the boys and girls of 4-to-18 years of age who are members of the Bronxchester Challenge League. Hernandez deserves to smile because the league is serving a purpose and achieving goals.

“I really feel it’s important,” she said, “it takes a village to raise a child being a mom with special needs. It’s important to create a space so our children are safe. So for me it’s being able to see the kids be themselves, it’s important. Most of all I really believe that kids with special needs believe in themselves.”

13512011_729789066326_1493941441492820056_nAnd the kids are gaining more confidence and adapting each time they pick up a ball, glove and bat. Baseball is that game that encourages teamwork, sportsmanship and of course played on a field that gives them dreams and hope for the future.

However, to do this type of league that is rapidly becoming popular, Hernandez goes under the banner of D3 Sports and Recreation. That enabled to assist with fundraising with an annual karaoke event that was expanded to help defray costs of the league.  There is also the support of the Bronxchester Little League with use of the field and some of that needed coaching help.

Hernandez has a son with autism who played in a Westchester League. So, initiating one that was closer to come was proposed and Sunday completed another year in the books, and there may be plans for an upcoming Fall League.

There is a purpose here and it shows on how these kids react to accomplishing their goals.

“Some kids could not hold the bat, now they are up at bat and not using the tee,” Hernandez said. “A lot of times parents see that. Having them the opportunity to get what they were going to get means the world to me.”

More information on the League can be obtained:  LHernandez@d3sportsandrec or by phone:  (347) 236-1820

Comment Rich Mancuso:  Twitter@Ring786 Mancuso




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