Digital Debut

On June 14, 1951, the U.S. Census Bureau was the first civilian institution to enter the computer age. After a dedication ceremony, the 13-ton UNIVAC I began its 12-year — or 73,000-hour — career of number crunching for the Census Bureau.


UNIVAC-1 was the first computer and was used to process data from the 1950 Census of the U.S. population.

UNIVAC-1 was the first computer and was used to process data from the 1950 Census of the U.S. population.

The UNIVAC I was used to process data from the 1950 Census of the population and was among the most important milestones leading to the modern digital revolution.


Now, more than 85 percent of America’s approximately 117 million households have computers, and about 64 percent have hand-held computing devices. Whether desktop or handheld, 80 percent of American households use the internet. Computer manufacturing in the nation grosses nearly $9.2 billion per year.


Source: The U.S. Census Bureau

Note: You can find more statistics on communities across the country by downloading the Census Bureau’s “dwellr” mobile application here.

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