Councilman Calls for Increased Physical Activity To Promote Creativity In Schools

Written by Adam R. Bermudez

Councilman Andy King empathizes with kids stuck for hours at their desks and wants to do something about it. Speaking on BronxTalk on Monday night with host Gary Axelbank, King called for more physical activity in schools when speaking about educational needs in his district.

Speaking about the need for music and physical education, King said,

“These are the things that help kids learn creativity. Creativity is so important in your development and if you are going to have children be in a classroom for four, five, six hours, you need to give them that outlet for physical relaxation, you have to give them that outlet that stimulates the mind.”

Councilman Andy King, January 27, 2014. BronxNet Studios. C/o BronxNet
BronxTalk Host Gary Axelbank (r) and Councilman King

The Councilman made his host chuckle about their similarities to young students:
“You know, you and I, as adults– we can’t sit at our desk for two hours without a break. And at that age, [children are] busting with energy to do something.”

Written by Adam R. Bermudez

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