Crime Victims’ Non Profit Finds Support from Congressman Crowley and Council Member Vacca

CVSS2Congressman Joseph Crowley and Council Member Jimmy Vacca recently visited a local victim support non profit in an effort to show their support for the plight of of crime victims in the Bronx.

The non profit, “Crime Victims Support Services of North Bronx”, has been providing assistance to crime victimn in the form of trauma counseling, claims and other crucial services.

CVSS was started by Executive Director Joanne Cicero, after her son was murdered n 1995.  It was clear to Joanne through her own experiences that crime victims, particularly in the Bronx, do not have proper support structures.  CVSS exists as her way of preventing future crime victims from feeling alone in their situation.

“Our program depends so much on grants and fundraising to cover our expenses.  I appreciate that over the many years Congressman Crowley and Councilman Vacca continue to be supportive of our work for innocent victims of crime and provide the funding we need to help them in their time of crisis.” said Cicero

CVSS1Council Member Vacca is awarding a discretionary grant $5000 to support the non profit 501c3’s continuing work for Crime victims.

Congressman Crowley has personally promised a $2500 gift towards their upcoming meet & greet fundraiser on September 15th.

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