Unmatched: Unmarried and Single

Unmarried and Single Americans Week 2017

Unmarried and Single Americans Week 2017

Tuesday, September 19 — Today is the third day of “Unmarried and Single Americans Week”. The occasion notes that many who are unmarried do not identify with the word “single,” since they may be parents, have partners, or are widowed or divorced. There are 109 million unmarried adult Americans, 45 percent of all U.S. residents age 18 and older. Nineteen million of them are seniors over the age of 65.

The number of people who live by themselves is 35 million — 28 percent of all American households, a figure which in 1970 was just 17 percent. That leaves room for households with unmarried couples, of which there were 7 million in the year 2015, including about 515,000 same-sex households.

You can find more facts about America from the U.S. Census Bureau online.

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