Matters of Faith: Take a Stand!

By Reverend J. Loren Russell, BA, MDiv

2 Thessalonians 2:15 NKJV, TLB
“Therefore, brethren, stand fast and hold the traditions which you were taught, whether by word or our epistle.”(TLB)

“With all these things in mind, dear brothers, stand firm and keep a strong grip on the truth that we taught you in our letters and during the time we were with you.”

‭‭To stand is not exceptional for a Christian. It is not exceptional for the Christian to stand firm in his or her faith; to boldly go where others dare not; to speak what those who know not the Lord are afraid to say; to be a visible ambassador for Christ. ‬‬‬‬

No, it’s not exceptional for a Christian to always be ready to share their hope and their faith with others. It’s not exceptional, but unfortunately, it’s not practiced regularly.

Paul writes to the Thessalonian church and presents a challenge. His letter challenges us, too, because he says that our Christian faith must take a stand, not a seat. We weren’t given a “take-your-seat faith!” We have been given an “in-your-face faith” In order to get in someone’s face, you must take a stand. When he says, “stand fast and hold the traditions which you were taught, whether by word or our epistle,” or, as the TLB translation says, “stand firm and keep a strong grip on the truth that we taught you in our letters and during the time we were with you,” he means that we are to stand faithfully, clinging to the Word of God as our source of accuracy and power.

During times of trouble, of trial, of suffering, of persecution, of poverty, of unemployment and underemployment, of broken heartedness and break-ups, in the midst of unusual circumstances and overwhelming situations, in cases of sickness and heartache, we are charged to take a stand.

We have all heard the expression, “If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.” Well, whether we are loved or hated, blessed or cursed, hugged or punched, we are to recognize, embrace and stand on the promise that we have been chosen to be the ones to take a stand. We must remember that someone loved us enough to take a stand, and to die so that we could live.

Persecuted or prospered, abused or advanced, cracked up or cash rich, homeless or heroic, an inmate or an investor, sick or well, the Lord expects Christians to take a stand for their faith. Some of these things are anguishing. But the Bible says when you endure suffering as a Christian, it is commendable before God (1 Peter 2:20).

Make up your mind to take a stand for your faith. Or, as Paul writes to the Thessalonians, “stand firm and keep a strong grip on the truth that we taught you in our letters and during the time we were with you.”

Stand for your faith so that you don’t fall for foolishness.

God Bless +++

Rev. J. Loren Russell is an associate minister at both Goodwill and The Greater Universal Baptist Churches in the Bronx, President/CEO of The JLR Company for Church Financial &. Strategic Consulting, and hosts “Matters of Faith – The Radio Show” on Soul 1 Radio, Mondays 8:00 – 10:00 PM. Listen by phone” at 626-226-1448. Be sure to Friend “Matters of Faith” on Facebook and email us at Order your copy of Matters of Faith: The Book at Book Blues.

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