State Legislature to hold Hearing on Sexual Harassment in the Workplace, Feb. 13

Today, Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins and Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie released a statement on tackling sexual harassment in New York:

“Sexual harassment impacts employees across the country, including right here in New York. No industry is free from the scourge of sexual harassment, assault, and inappropriate workplace behavior.

“The #MeToo movement has brought these important issues to the forefront and spurs action to address this problem. As brave men and women continue to speak out and discuss the issues, we are committed to listening to them, engaging in meaningful discussions and using their testimony to help guide future actions by the State Legislature to address sexual harassment. It is our responsibility to ensure that all employers are trained to provide a safe workplace, and that all employees are protected and have access to recourse.

“That is why on February 13, we will hold a hearing to engage survivors, advocates and experts on this serious issue. These individuals have valuable insight that is important to the process of addressing these ever-evolving issues.”

The hearing to To examine sexual harassment issues in the workplace will take place in Albany,NY on Wednesday, February 13, 2019 at 10:00 AM.
Hearing Room B, Legislative Office Building, 2nd Floor

The hearing notice cites that the Legislature enacted a number of measures last year to combat sexual harassment in the workplace, including mandating that all employers in New York State have a sexual harassment policy, employee training, and a clear complaint and investigation process. The Committee chairs are interested in hearing from relevant stakeholders and engaging in a meaningful dialogue on the issue of workplace sexual harassment but won’t be taking individual harassment complaints. Oral testimony will be limited to ten minutes’.

Individuals who think they have been subjected to sexual harassment in the workplace, are advised to contact the state Division of Human Rights or visit its website to get information about their rights and available remedies.

Bronx Assemblyman Marcos Crespo and Senator Alessandra Biaggi are two of the six co-chairs convening this important hearing. Of the six co-chairs, four are women.

Sen. James Skoufis
Committee on Investigations
and Government Operations

Sen. Alessandra Biaggi
Committee on Ethics and
Internal Governance

Sen. Julia Salazar
Committee on
Women’s Issues

Michele Titus
Member of Assembly
Committee on Governmental

Marcos Crespo
Member of Assembly
Committee on Labor

Latrice Walker
Member of Assembly
Task Force on Women’s

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