Spiritual Inspiration: Love One Another

Like so many of you, I’ve had family and friends who have lost their lives or
their health during this COVID 19 pandemic. I liken it to a prize fight where
you get rocked by a devastating punch. But before you’re able to recover, you
get hit with a gut shot that takes your breath away. Before you get knocked
out, you realize that you have to take a knee.

I have felt those hits. I’ve been rocked and had to take a knee. While I was on my
knees, I began thinking of what’s really important in life. What really matters?

When Jesus was asked which of the Ten Commandments were the greatest.
He responds: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy
heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great
commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour
as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets”
(Matthew 22:37-40).

Everything hangs on our love of each other. That’s how we get up when we
get rocked! Love of family, friends, colleagues and associates, even our
enemies and our foes. That’s what God expects of us. We’ve been rocked,
but we will get up! Despite quarantine, self-isolation, and social distancing,
love still goes from heart-to-heart and breast-to-breast. That’s what keeps
us connected to each other. Show somebody love today even if you can’t be with them.
You know, I’m praying for you – because I love you, and there is
absolutely nothing you can do about it. Now make it a blessed day.

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