Bronx Volunteer Coalition needs YOUR help!

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The Bronx Volunteer Coalition, a member-led coalition of Bronx organizations, is currently seeking nominations for Bronx Volunteers of the Year! The work of volunteers often goes unnoticed, but they are the driving force behind change.

BxVC’s mission is “to increase volunteerism in the Bronx through information-sharing and collaboration among member organizations while acting as a hub for Bronx residents to give back to their community.”

In May, they will be honoring four outstanding Bronx volunteers, but YOUR help is needed. The nomination process is closely coming to an end, the deadline is tomorrow – April 15.

There are four categories: “Young Volunteer Leader”, “Neighborhood Impact”, “Lifetime Volunteer Service”, and “Organized Volunteer Impact”.

Once the nomination process is complete, voting will be opened to the public through the end of April.

“Thousands of volunteers contribute to hundreds of organizations throughout the Bronx.  Their work has a profound effect on the lives of many Bronxites.  We want to celebrate their contribution and achievement,” says Marlon Molina, a founding member of the Bronx Volunteer Coalition.

DON’T DELAY!!!! To nominate a Bronx Volunteer of the year visit

For more information on the criteria for each award category as well as the nomination process please contact Samara Weiss at

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