For future generations of New Yorkers

On Behalf of Mayor Bill de Blasio

“What’s your big idea for the future of New York City?”


What’s your big idea for the future of New York City?

Every four years, New York City updates PlaNYC to make sure that we’re building toward a future that’s resilient, sustainable, and makes sense for the lives of all New Yorkers.

This year, we’re making equity a lynchpin of PlaNYC — and we’ve made the process more inclusive than ever before. Every New Yorker has a voice in this plan and can participate in building our city’s future.

What’s your vision for New York City in the years and decades to come? Take this survey now to let us know.

Your idea could be about anything: from the environment to jobs to education to affordable housing to transportation.

You have the power to shape the future of our city if you speak up — for yourself and for future generations of New Yorkers.

Leave your mark on the future of New York City. Take the survey now:

Thank you,

Bill de Blasio

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