I want to hear your parenting stories, friend

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Dear Parent,

What’s sweeter than those earliest interactions between a parent and their baby? When I was a new mother, reading Chiara and Dante a story, singing them a song, or just talking with them filled me with more joy than I had ever thought possible.

More important than how satisfying it is for us as parents, though, is the fact that when we talk, read, and sing to our babies, we are actively building their brains.

Many parents are not aware of how important that is, so as part of our new “Talk To Your Baby, Their Brain Depends On It” initiative, I’m asking parents like you to help get the word out.

Tell us the stories, songs, and words that you shared with your babies, and I’ll post some of my favorites on my blog.

Actively engaging our babies helps build a strong intellectual and emotional foundation. That is a foundation our children will build on as they make their way through school and through life. That is a foundation that will help them stay mentally strong when times get tough.

We want to make sure EVERY child in New York City experiences the benefit of these kinds of interactions.

Let’s build a collection of words, stories, and songs so that other parents can be inspired to come up with their own traditions. Share yours now:


Thank you,

Chirlane McCray

P.S. Check out nyc.gov/talktoyourbaby for tips on squeezing in more brain-boosting interactions with your baby or text TALK to 877877.

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