Montefiore Healing Arts Hosts Associate Showcase

Montefiore Employees Share their Hidden Talents



On December 9, 2015, at Montefiore, a nurse performed beat poetry while a doctor displayed her original still life painting. The Associate Art Showcase hosted by Montefiore’s Healing Arts Program was an opportunity for associates to share their creations and what inspires them, surrounded by the support of their colleagues. Lining the tables in the room were photographs, drawings and paintings: a photograph of a lioness protecting her cubs (artist Shirley Roy, Pharmacy Specialist, Oncology Pharmacy, Einstein Campus), a painting of ballerina seeing her own reflection (Suzanna Harmouche, PGY1 Resident, Department of Psychiatry, Moses Campus), and a graphic illustration of The Notorious B.I.G. (Bellinger Moye, Customer Service Liaison, Montefiore Care Management, Tarrytown).


On the table were special cards for associates to write messages to artists whose work they enjoyed: “Beautiful words – your poem brought tears to my eyes,” “What a wonderful story behind your artwork. Thank you for sharing,” “Your talent is beyond words.” 

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Attendees also were treated to an energizing performance by the Associate Choir, a moving song sung by Adam Summers (Music Therapist, Child Life Program) and with Kristen Corey (Music Therapist and Program Coordinator, Healing Arts Program) on piano and readings of original poetry. “The event was a wonderful celebration of the creativity and talent of Montefiore’s associates” says Ronit Fallek, Director, Healing Arts Program. “We were overjoyed to see people from so many different professions sharing their appreciation of the arts in community together.”IMG_2832

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