AOC Visits Throggs Neck and Morris Park

Last week Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez came back to the PS 304/MS 199 campus to hear what her constituents had to say. There were some empty seats in the very large auditorium, but the crowd of about two hundred people who came wanted to hear what their congresswoman was doing. A few people in the back of the Auditorium tried to interrupt the meeting, but order was restored as AOC continued to answer questions. The question were about the current president, jobs, education, and public housing, to name a few topics. Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez answered all in her unique way of saying that changes need to be made, including in the White House. AOC is supporting Bernie Sanders for President in the Democratic Primary. She also spoke of her new Green Deal which would create many new jobs, while bringing the much needed federal dollars to fix the problems currently plaguing NYCHA .

AOC at the front of the large auditorium in Throggs Neck

 In Morris Park it was standing room only in the packed community room at Janel Towers. Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez was joined here by State Senator Alessandra Biaggi who fielded some questions about the New No Cash Bail law. While she did not mention any changes to the law Senator Biaggi said that the legislature was looking at the law and what has happened since the law took effect. Again here Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez sspoke of here New Green Deal, and the need for it. 

In Morris Park AOC receives a record ‘Impeach the President by Roy Charles Hammond from 1973 concerning the impeachment of President Richard Nixon from Barry Soltz..

The Morris Park meeting took place in the same room where the Liberty Democratic Club of the 80th Assembly District meets. The Liberty Democratic Club recently voted no endorsement of either incumbent in the 14 Congressional District and the 34th State Senate district. The 14th Congressional District is represented by Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, while the 34th State Senate District is represented by Senator Alessandra Biaggi. 

After the meeting AOC listened to a concerned parent and others.
AOC with State Senator Biaggi in Morris Park.
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