Matters of Faith: Call Him Up!

By Reverend J. Loren Russell

Jeremiah 33:3

“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.”

Jeremiah understood the connection between the Creator and the created. The source of all wisdom, all knowledge, all understanding is The Lord, the Creator of the heavens and the earth. What we learn on our own is the equivalent of an elementary level education which only helps us to function in the world, but never enough to take us to the level our Creator desires for us. That only comes when we seek His face, call on His name, listen, and receive His message. When the created desires and reaches out to the Creator, He not only answers, but will open our minds, our hearts, our understanding to those things that are unsearchable with an elementary level education.

What a powerful message to people in Jeremiah’s day who were in captivity and the remnant who were left behind. If they called on the Lord, He would answer their cry and reveal to them great and unsearchable things that they did not or could not know. His greatest message to them and to us today is that He loves us unconditionally; that His desire is that we have life, and that more abundantly! Don’t miss that…, life more abundantly (John 10:10)! That abundance includes more than we can acquire on our own. It’s more than we will ever have access to without Him. It is an abundant life, plus an eternal presence in His kingdom when we conclude this life (John 14:3).

Jeremiah had an encouraging and uplifting message, but not a single person gave their heart to the Lord. I am glad Jeremiah persisted. He wanted to quit, but he knew that the word of God was “like a burning fire shut up in my bones” (Jer. 20:9).

While he may not have been successful at reaching the people of his day, we are a different people group, living in a different time. The very same words the Lord spoke to the people through Jeremiah then, are the same words the Lord challenges us with today; “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.

Why not give the Lord a call? You will be amazed by the great and unsearchable things He will teach you. Go ahead, call Him up!

Be Blessed!

Rev. J. Loren Russell is President/CEO of The JLR Company for Church Financial Strategy & Consulting; an associate minister at both Goodwill and The Greater Universal Baptist Churches in the Bronx; creator & host of “Matters of Faith – The Radio Show” Mondays 8:00 – 10:00 PM on Facebook LIVE and author of Matters of Faith: The Book (eBook available at

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