Yemini-American Rally to End Yemen Civil War

Peaceful Rally outside the Yemini American Association Headquarters in Little Yemen Bronx

By Robert Press

Little Yemen is located on Rhinelander Avenue off White Plains Road. Sunday, there was a peaceful rally to try to end the civil war in Yemen that has been going on since 2014 when the capital city of Sana’a, was captured by Houthi insurgents with Shiite rebels believed to have ties to Iran rose up against the Sunni Government. In January 2015 the Presidential Palace was taken over forcing the President of Yemen to flee to Saudi Arabia. A civil war has continued since then, and those who came to the rally want that civil war to end, with the help of the United States. 

Close to five-hundred people came out to hear speeches from Yemini-American leaders calling for the U.S. Government under President Joe Biden to act on behalf of the majority of the people of Yemen who want to live in peace. Local Yemini – American leaders Yahay Obeid, Dr. Debbie of, and others including local Assemblywoman Nathalia Fernandez, and presumed incoming Councilwoman Marjorie Velazquez spoke. The rally is to hope that local members of congress, and the two New York U.S. Senators can get President Biden to help end the civil war in the country of Yemen.

The Yemini American Association headquarters on Rhinelander Avenue.

Yemen-American leader Dr. Debbie speaks.
Part of the crowd of almost five-hundred who came out for the rally, that closed streets for blocks around.
Another view of the crowd of about five-hundred.
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