Do Our COVID-19 Vaccines Work Against the Omicron Variant or Not. What is Going on Governor Kathy Hochul?

Do Our COVID-19 Vaccines Work Against the Omicron Variant or Not. What is Going on Governor Kathy Hochul?

By Robert Press

There has been much hype as to whether to get vaccinated or not to get vaccinated. Conflicting words have been put about be it by Health officials, elected officials, mandates, word of mouth, or Anti Vaxers. Health officials have said the only way to prevent, or have a safe period of having the COVID-19 virus (or it’s variants) is to get vaccinated with one of the three vaccines that were available. Elected officials have mandated vaccinations in order to continue working or continuing a regular lifestyle. 

The public was recently told the vaccinations require a booster shot, and while only suggested as of now, it is only a matter of time as to when Booster shots will also be mandated. New York City has gone as far as giving incentives to get vaccinated, or boosted by the end of this year. Mayor Bill de Blasio has said he expects the Omicron variant to be with us for only a few weeks before it passes, which must mean once a person has the virus they must become immune to it. That is similar to what I was told by Doctor Dave Chokshi Commissioner of the NYCDOH, and Doctor Mitchell Katz head of the NYCHHS, with Doctor Katz going as far as saying I did not need to get vaccinated after I explained that I had the COVID-19 virus in March of 2020 for only five days. I did get vaccinated in September of 2021, and had a bad reaction to the second shot, but that is another story.

Now that the Omicron variant has hit New York, on December 18th the governor’s office reported 192 cases statewide, and 41 in New York City. There has been no more reporting of Omicron cases, just that all positive test results are all that of the Omicron variant. This is similar to what Governor Andrew Cuomo did in 2020 by counting any and all deaths as a result of the COVID-19 virus. Governor Hochul has declared a Disaster Emergency in the state of New York with Executive Order 11.1 However in that Executive order Governor Hochul states the following 

WHEREAS, this Omicron variant has been shown to be highly transmissible and may cause exponential spread;

WHEREAS, current vaccinations do not appear to be as effective against Omicron infection, while remaining stronger against severe disease;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Kathy Hochul, Governor of the State of New York, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution of the State of New York and Section 28 of Article 2-B of the Executive Law, do hereby continue the terms, conditions, and suspensions contained in Executive Order 11 until January 25, 2022.

Does this mean that the Omicron variant will be gone on January 26, 2022 Governor Hochul, or will there be another extension? What is going on Governor Kathy Hochul?

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