Bronx Jewish Center Purim Festival

Bronx Jewish Center Purim Festival

By Robert Press

Purim is a Jewish holiday which commemorates the saving of the Jewish people from Haman, an official of the Achaemenid Empire who was planning to have all of Persia‘s Jewish subjects killed, as recounted in the Book of EstherPurim is celebrated annually on the 14th day of the Hebrew month of Adar, the day following the victory of the Jews over their enemies. 

Purim is celebrated among Jews by: Exchanging gifts of food and drink, Donating charity to the poor, Eating a celebratory meal, Public recitation (“reading of the megillah“) of the Scroll of Esther. When Haman’s name is read out loud during the public chanting of the Megillah which occurs 54 times, the congregation engages in noise-making to blot out his name. Other customs include wearing masks and costumes, and eating hamantashen ( transl. ”Haman’s pockets”).

Rabbi Saadia Pewzner, his wife Nechama, and a few members of the Bronx Jewish Center set up tables, chairs, and decorations for the almost one hundred guests that attended the Bronx Jewish Center Purim Festival. Entertainment was by noted ventriloquist Johnathan Geffner ‘The Megillah Meshugas,

Rabbi Pewzner reads from the Megillah the scroll of Ester, as a video of the story of Purim is shown.

Part of the large group of people celebrating Purim at the Bronx Jewish Center, as you can see the colorful decorations that were put up for Purim.
Ventriloquist Johnathan Geffner brought up Rochel Leah and A.J. to help with Schmendrick, who kept complaining that someone had a hand up his back.
Assemblywoman Nathalia Fernandez stopped in to receive a gift from Rabbi Pewzner and his wife Nechama. The Assemblywoman would also have a little wine with Rabbi Pewzner before she left.
Being that Purim and St. Patrick’s Day were both on the same day, a Jewish Leprechaun was on hand at the Bronx Jewish Center celebration of Purim.
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