DA Clark visits MPCA

Bronx District Attorney Clark Visit Morris Park Community Association Meeting

By Robert Press

Bronx District Attorney Darcel Clark was the guest at the last Morris Park Community Association meeting. She spoke about what she and the police can do under the new laws passed by the state legislature according to recently passed legislation on bail reform. She now has thirty days for discovery to give the defense attorney, and it is up to the judge to set bail when requested, but most judges are not setting bail when it should be set because they do not fully understand the new laws and how they have been tweaked by the state legislature. 

DA Clark took questions, and again there were questions of multi repeat offenders being let out with no bail. Da Clark said it is the judges and elected officials who make and rule on the laws. If the people do not like what is going on they have the right to vote, as judges and elected officials run for reelection. She was very careful to stay out of politics, which a District Attorney can only be involved in their own campaigns when their election time comes up. 

An interesting note was that MPCA Vice-President Yahay Obeid mentioned that he moved to the Morris Park area six years ago because of the nice safe peaceful neighborhood. He said if the current situation does not improve, he will move his family out of the city to a safer area. 



District Attorney Clark speaks to the audience of how her hands are tied with the new laws as to what she can and can not do in trying to have repeat offenders kept behind bars.
Here DA Clark answers Mr. Obeid’s statement on the situation of crime in the Bronx, saying you have the power at the poll site on election day, because judges and lawmakers are elected.
The NCO’s for the area give a rundown on what is going on in their sector, and answer why they do not chase the dirt bikes and ATVs people see on the streets. They are directed not to, because of the danger of innocent people being hurt during a chase.
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