Yom Kippur

The holiest day of the Jewish year – Yom Kippur – began at sundown Tuesday night and lasts through sundown tonight. To those who are observing this solemn religious holiday, the Bronx Chronicle wishes you  a meaningful Yom Kippur and an easy fast.

Also known as the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur occurs every year on the 10th day of Tishrei, which is the seventh month of the Hebrew calendar.

This day marks the end of the High Holy Days, and offers a chance for people to change their fate through prayer, repentance, and charity.

Yom Kippur is observed by a 25-hour fast – no food or water from sundown to sundown – and intense prayer.

At the end of Yom Kippur the fate of those observing the holiday are sealed in the Book of Life for the coming year.

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