Mayor Adams Announces 500 free Apple Air Tags to Kia and Hyundai Owners in the 43rd Precinct

Mayor Adams Announces 500 free Apple Air Tags to Kia and Hyundai Owners in the 43rd Precinct

By Robert Press

Mayor Eric Adams came to the Castle Hill Library in the 43rd Precinct to announce that the Association for a Better New York  is paying for five hundred Apple Air Tags to be given out to owners of Kia and Hyundai cars that are featured in a Tic-Tock video on how to steal those cars to use them in other crimes. 

In the Bronx, Grand Larceny Auto better known as GLA is up by 23.7% or 290 autos January 1, 2023 to April 16, 2023, over the same period ending April 16, 2022. For the Week ending April 16, 2023 Bronx precincts are up in GLA 173.5% with the 42nd Precinct where GLA up 1,200%. Only the 44th Precinct showed a decrease in GLA of 33.3% for the week ending April 16, 2023. This is for reported cars stolen, as it is unknown if any stolen cars have not been reported.

Mayor Adams along with Chief of Patrol John Chell, Chief of Department Jeffrey Maddrey, 43rd Precinct commanding officer Deputy Inspector Carlos Peralta, and Steven Rubenstein Chairman of ABNY stood next to a table that was set up with five-hundred Apple Air Tags on it. Mayor Adams picked up one box and explained that with the Air Tag hidden in a car your Apple phone gets a notice whenever the car is moved. If it is being stolen you can report it to the police department so they can mark the car as stolen and track where it goes. 

Mayor Adams said that one such Air Tag was placed in a car that was being driven away from the library. He took out his IPhone clicked on the Air Tag app and showed that the car was moving. Mayor Adams said that smart leaders do not wait for big spikes in crime, but want to stop bumps in crime before they get larger, thanking Mr. Rubenstein of ABNY for donating to the city the 500 Apple Air Tags. 



Here is a photo of an Apple Air Tag Package with the size of the Air Tag on the package.
Mayor Adams holds the package of an Apple Air Tag which fits in the palm of his hand. With Mayor Adams are (R – L) Chief of Department Jeffrey Maddrey, Chief of Patrol John Chell, and Steven Rubenstein of ABNY.
Mayor Adams holds the Air Tag between two of his fingers to how how small the Air Tag is. The commanding officer of the 43rd Precinct Deputy Inspector Carlos Peralta is also in the photo. The five-hundred Apple Air Tags are lined up on the table.
Mayor Adams shows on his IPhone how the Air Tag app is showing the car where the Air Tag was placed is now moving.
Deputy Inspector Peralta of the 43rd Precinct tells that GLA has doubled in the latest twenty-eight day period, and more than tripled in the week ending April 16, 2023 in his precinct.
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