Metro North Wraps up Info Sessions with Morris Park

Metro North Wraps up Info Sessions with Morris Park

By Robert Press

Thursday October 26th at Einstein Hospital the fourth and final information session for the new East Side Metro North stations about the Morris Park station was held. Like the other three info sessions maps were set out on tables, people were given sticky papers and told to write down what you would like to see at the new Morris Park station. 

It seemed that word got out that there was no parking projected at the station so the most requested item was parking. Besides the current council member from the area, Bronx Borough President Vanessa L. Gibson and former Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. was in attendance representing Montefiore Hospital (which owns Einstein Hospital). Former borough president Diaz Jr. said that Montefiore would be looking to expand its services. 

Questions of three thousand new affordable housing units came up, as it was mentioned that currently Eastchester Road is unable to adequately handle the traffic it now has, so how could it handle much more traffic. The question of taking part of the Jacobi Hospital parking lot  also brought up the question of where would the cars that use those parking spaces park. Since there was a Community  Board 11 meeting going on at the same time as the info session attendance was split between the two events with more seeming to be at the community board meeting that was having a discussion on  possibly widening the pedestrian pathway on Pelham Parkway.


Bronx Borough President Vanessa L. Gibson speaks as the local council member is looking at her phone.
The sticky paper representing what the writers want at the station are placed on the map.

City Council member Marjorie Velazquez brought along her photographer to take photos of her.

City Council candidate Kristy Marmorato asks the Metro North representative a question about the new Metro North station.

The blank map of the area where the Morris Park Metro North station circled in blue will be placed.

Maps of the Morris Park and Van Nest/Parkchester stations with the area inside the yellow lines to be rezoned for 3,000 units of affordable housing at each of the two stations only. On the Morris Park map the yellow area includes part of the Jacobi Hospital parking area .

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