49th Precinct Christmas Toy Giveaway 

49th Precinct Christmas Toy Giveaway

By Robert Press

Children were waiting inside and along the side of the Starbucks on Eastchester Road for the Annual 49th Precinct Christmas Toy Giveaway. Community Affairs Detective Hall, Officers Bell and Powers were joined by members of the 49th Precinct Auxiliary Police, and commanding officer Deputy Inspector Kentish. 

Santa was helped by employees of Home Depot and the officers of the 49th precinct who gave the children the toys they picked out, and then there was a photo with Santa. Hot coffee, hot cocoa, and cookies were provided by Starbucks for everyone, and there were just enough toys for all the children.


49th Precinct Community Affairs officers Powell (partly out of the photo) Detective Hall, and officer Bell go through Santa’s bags of toys to set them up all along the windows of Starbucks.
Employees of Home Depot, Deputy Inspector Kentish, Santa Claus, and members of the Community Affairs unit of the 49th Precinct. Taking the photo was Detective Hall of Community Affairs.
Once the children picked out their toys it was time for a photo with Santa.

Mom poses with her children and Santa.

Maybe a future doctor here picking the game Operation.

These six brothers and sisters show off their toys.
You can see the toys that were by the windows are gone, but there was still a game of Monopoly for this child.
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