World War Three has arrived!

The ominous shadow of a third World War looms over us, a specter that will not dissipate until a hero emerges. Europe is ablaze due to the conflict in Ukraine, with NATO teetering on the precipice of full involvement, a step that could inevitably plunge the entire continent into a wholly avoidable war. A war with a trillion-dollar cost, offering victors but no real winner. Russia, bolstered by the support of China, Iran, and North Korea, has formed alliances in retaliation. It’s crucial to bear in mind that Russia, China, and North Korea are all nuclear powers, with Iran not far behind.
The Middle East is currently embroiled in absolute turmoil. Hamas launches assaults on Israel from the south, dragging global allies into this unnecessary conflict from both sides. Hezbollah, now deeply rooted within Lebanon, is semi-engaged in attacks on Israel from the north. The West Bank is increasingly aggressive in its quest for Israel’s obliteration. All of this is funded and sustained by Iran, who has initiated attacks within Syria, Iraq, and Pakistan, the latter being a nuclear state. Yemen, also funded by Iran, targets US and UK vessels in the Red Sea. Turkey has assaulted the Kurds, and now militants in Iraq are calling for Israel’s destruction.
In the Asia-Pacific region, China is showcasing its strength for a potential war with Taiwan if it refuses to become a puppet state. North Korea has recently attacked a South Korean island.
The common thread in all these conflicts is the United States. The ineffective foreign policies of the United States over the past three years have altered power dynamics in ways that have put the world in unparalleled danger.
We are more exposed than ever, voiceless, with only money to fuel the visible human suffering.
The United States, once a beacon of democracy and a global peacekeeper, has become a passive financier in the face of escalating conflicts. Its withdrawal from solid international agreements and treaties, and embracing flawed agreements, coupled with its America’s last approach, has left a power vacuum that is being filled by authoritarian regimes. The lack of a clear, coherent foreign policy has emboldened these regimes to act with impunity. We are weak abroad and even weaker at home having completely lost our own moral compass.
In Africa, the situation is equally dire. The Sahel region is infested with jihadist groups who are exploiting the power vacuum left by the United States and its allies. In Libya, the ongoing civil war continues to destabilize the region, with Russia and Turkey competing for influence. The Horn of Africa is also under threat from Islamist militants, with Somalia being the epicenter of this conflict.
In South America, the situation in Venezuela continues to worsen, with Russia and China supporting the Maduro regime, while the United States and its allies back the opposition. This has led to a humanitarian crisis of epic proportions, with millions of Venezuelans fleeing the country.
The world teeters on the edge of a global conflict, and the United States, once the world’s stabilizing power, is now a mere bystander. The absence of a strong, assertive foreign policy has left the world in a state of chaos and uncertainty. The United States must reclaim its leadership role, not only for its own security but for the stability of the world.
The United States must reconnect with its allies, rebuild its alliances, by first finding its own moral grounding and then recommitting others to their international obligations. The world must confront authoritarian regimes, support democratic movements. It must also address the root causes of these conflicts, socialism, communism, and fascism.
The world is in desperate need of a hero, a leader who can navigate these turbulent times and guide us away from the brink of World War Three. The United States, with its once vast resources and influence, is not positioned to take on this role until we repair what we broke at home. But it must act swiftly and decisively, for time is running out, and the stakes have never been higher. Because we are a nation divided, we have created a world that is now more divided than ever before.
Just saying the obvious one again!
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