The America we have known is dying quickly

As I sat here today, my mind wandered to the enduring truths I hold dear. Those principles that are sacred to me, my loved ones, and everyone in my circle. These principles encompass life, freedom, and the quest for joy. They are the bedrock of my personal value system, the ones I refuse to compromise on, now and forever. These principles are my American values, passed down to me by previous generations. There are only a few things I would willingly sacrifice my life for, and one of them is my country, which safeguards my family, faith, and lifestyle. These are values worth risking my life for.
Recent political failures and global events precipitated by these failures have created a disquiet within me about the state of “my” country, of “our” country. It’s not just slightly off-kilter; it’s completely derailed from the glory that was America. We are witnessing the self-implosion of a nation under the weight of liberalism, socialism, and fascism, all drawing their potency from a wellspring of animosity. America is so far removed from its core principles that no American should feel secure right now. The intense hatred and intolerance of the far left is unnatural as it’s a manufactured malice, continually stoked to keep the illusion of hate alive.
Our expansive media network has morphed into the world’s most massive propaganda machine, clearly aimed at perpetuating this division and hatred. It’s astonishing how millions are manipulated to fuel hatred based on untruths perceived as reality. The American media has exploited people by presenting political opinions as facts, ideology as science, and emotions as reality.
As I ponder over the plethora of new policies from the Biden administration, I find them deeply concerning. They place America and its citizens last, which to me is morally and ethically reprehensible. Worse still, many of these policies seemingly favor our adversaries over our own interests. Policies that appear to benefit one group often wreak havoc on countless others. These policies, when combined, seem to work at odds with each other. Policies intended to aid unions are counteracted by others that undermine them. Policies that bolster other countries do so at our expense. Policies that favor big corporations annihilate small businesses. Policies that protect the rights of one group strip those of others. It’s a complicated mess designed to widen the divide.
Policies on science, medicine, trade, and energy all seem to disregard established norms and practices. Fiscal policies are not economically sound and plunge us into the abyss of a national debt, now at nearly $34 trillion, with an additional $300 trillion in unfunded liabilities spread across federal, state, and local governments. The average American family of four is over $4 million in debt and unaware of it. And this was the result of socialist fiscal policies within capitalism.
As an American, I am grappling to make sense of what appears to be utter nonsense, where rationality has been exiled and madness reigns supreme. As I observe these policymakers churn out policies, I know none of it makes sense, and none of it will yield any good. How do I know this for certain? The outcomes speak for themselves, and they are the only truths that matter.
I have always been and will continue to be respectful towards President Biden. I have been waiting for him to say something that ignites hope within me or gives me a sense that he understands someone like me. So far, I haven’t seen or felt any spark of hope from his speeches that indicate he knows what he’s doing. In fact if I listen to him talk enough he is the first President who appears to hate half of America, and unfortunately I am in the group of Americans he hates. I am unsure if he possesses the mental capacity for it, but I hope for the country’s sake that his apparent dementia doesn’t lead to his removal from office, as his Vice President taking over would be even more catastrophic. So, I pray daily for him, hoping his dementia doesn’t entirely incapacitate him. We don’t need the Vice President, with her well-documented ruthless nature from her time as Attorney General in California, leading the country.
The damage inflicted by these contradictory policies will be tough for the country to bear, but bear it, we must. When our elected representatives steer us in the wrong direction, we owe it to ourselves to be ready to weather the artificial storm they’re creating. We have to live with the unsustainable government debt and the ever-increasing, unaffordable, and unsustainable social programs. We’re all on a path of living for the moment, knowing that disaster looms. It is grossly unfair to pass on such unsustainable debt to future generations.
History has repeatedly shown that avoiding the inevitable is impossible. And those who represent us have failed us, and continue to do so. While we are a superpower in some respects, we are the weakest nation in others. Our policies have gradually changed us, weakened us, divided us, plunged us into debt, and diminished our global standing. Our adversaries relish our downfall, watching it unfold before their eyes. Russia and China will quickly make several strategic moves while Biden slowly makes one, and usually the wrong one.
There are times when the world is upended through no fault of our own, sometimes due to a series of disastrous chapters written into history by those in power. I fear that’s what we’re witnessing – a succession of terrible chapters being added to America’s history books. Despite these realities, we are still responsible for the welfare of ourselves, our families, and our friends. We may not be able to predict much, but we can prepare for anything. That’s the key – we are always responsible for our lives, regardless of what’s happening in the world. Billions of people have had to endure the poor decisions of the few. Our American way of life is founded on the strength of individual rights – the right to pursue our own life, liberty, and happiness. Amidst the glaring wrongs, we must individually do what’s right for our families and loved ones.
Our journey will be different for each of us, as will our values and priorities, but they will all be uniquely American. The absurdity of politics has been a constant throughout history, with the elite minority believing they know the needs of the majority they wish to control. The elites are usually wrong because they presume to understand the intricacies of life when they barely grasp the complexities of their own lives. This is why the American way of life was so extraordinary; it was founded on the strength of the individual and our individual freedoms. This was unprecedented in history and worked for over 200 years. Now, socialism threatens our very way of life. It is real, it is here, and it is being aggressively promoted. Don’t be deceived by its appeal, as it always ends in the same way – the destruction of the nation it engulfs.
America is the beacon of hope against this global menace, and our free way of life is the most potent antidote against this oppressive system. A malevolent system rooted in hate that will rob us of our freedom. Live freely, set your boundaries, but never let the elite rob you of the greatest gift that is America – our freedoms. Hold on to every shred of freedom you have, as it is your God-given right to live free!
These are truths that are already evident to many and will eventually become apparent to all.
Just saying the obvious once again!
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