The outrageous authorization of lethal force against Trump

Today, I am outraged to learn that the Biden Administration’s FBI and DOJ, when they raided Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home, had authorization to use deadly force signed off by the Attorney General of the United States, Merrick Garland, and communicated to the White House.
Now, consider the potential consequences. Can you imagine a shootout between the FBI and the Secret Service, who were protecting the former President, Donald Trump? Can you imagine the shock if agents on both sides were killed?
All of this happened while Trump’s attorneys were working with and cooperating with the government. The week before, the FBI was able to freely access the compound to see the records, and Trump even stopped by to greet the agents and offer his assistance.
To then witness the raid in live reports, and learn that the FBI had staged pictures of fake folders labeled “top secret,” which they leaked to the press.
What if Trump, one of his children, or grandchildren had been killed? And now, the media wants you to believe that Trump is a threat to democracy, despite no evidence from his first four years in office.
Honestly, I believe Biden and his team are willing to do anything to stop Trump, even taking his life.
Everything they feared Trump would do as president, he didn’t do, but they have actually done in the past 3.5 years. From endless and unwinnable wars to open borders, from inflation to energy dependence on our enemies, to the betrayal of Israel by releasing billions in funds to Iran, who then uses the money to fund Hamas and Hezbollah.
This goes against all norms and proves that the current White House is a clear and present danger to us all and the world.
The actions taken by the Biden Administration in raiding Donald Trump’s home with authorization to use deadly force are not only outrageous but also incredibly dangerous. The potential for a violent confrontation between the FBI and the Secret Service, resulting in casualties on both sides, is a terrifying thought.
The fact that Trump’s attorneys had been cooperating with the government and allowing access to the records makes this raid even more egregious. To think that fake evidence was staged and leaked to the press, potentially putting Trump and his family at risk, is beyond reprehensible.
The media’s attempts to paint Trump as a threat to democracy are baseless, especially when considering the actions of the current administration. The willingness to go to such extreme lengths to stop Trump, including potentially taking his life, is deeply concerning.
Not to mention the numerous assassination threats and attempts on Donald Trump’s life from outside sources, and now he has to deal with a threat generated from within the government. Among the most heart-wrenching moments in history are the assassinations of four U.S. presidents: Abraham Lincoln, James A. Garfield, William McKinley, and John F. Kennedy.
The list of concerning actions taken by the Biden Administration, from foreign policy blunders to domestic issues, only serves to highlight the danger they pose. It is clear that the current White House is not acting in the best interests of the American people or the world at large. The need to address this threat is paramount for the safety and security of us all.
If they can authorize deadly force on a former President, they can easily authorize the same action on anyone, including you and me.
Just stating the obvious once again!
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