Articles by: The Bronx Chronicle

Quote of the Day: July 5, 2020

Quote of the Day: July 5, 2020

Be still my heart; thou hast known worse than this. Homer (900 BC-800 BC)

by · July 5, 2020 · Bulletin Board
Word of the Day: July 5, 2020

Word of the Day: July 5, 2020

high-spirited Definition: (adjective) Joyously unrestrained. Synonyms: ebullient, exuberant Usage: These beer busts were a diversion of these high-spirited young fellows whereby they whiled away the tedium of existence by making fools of their betters. Discuss.

by · July 5, 2020 · Bulletin Board
Whose Birthday Is It? July 3, 2020

Whose Birthday Is It? July 3, 2020

Mary Frances Kennedy Fisher (1908) Raised in California, Fisher moved to Dijon, France, after her first marriage. There, she was inspired by the gastronomist Brillat-Savarin, and her 1949 translation of his Physiology of Taste is considered a classic. She created a new literary genre with her culinary writing, producing witty essays evoking the pleasures of life and food in a graceful style. Her books include How to Cook a Wolf and The Gastronomical Me. Where did Fisher spend her last 20 years? More…

by · July 3, 2020 · Bulletin Board
Quote of the Day: July 3, 2020

Quote of the Day: July 3, 2020

Believe there is a great power silently working all things for good, behave yourself and never mind the rest. Beatrix Potter (1866-1943)

by · July 3, 2020 · Bulletin Board
Word of the Day: July 3, 2020

Word of the Day: July 3, 2020

despondent  Definition: (adjective) Feeling or showing profound hopelessness, dejection, discouragement, or gloom. Synonyms: heartsick Usage: I did my best to take Mike’s mind off his problems, but he was too despondent to smile at my corny jokes. Discuss.

by · July 3, 2020 · Bulletin Board
Whose Birthday Is It? July 2, 2020

Whose Birthday Is It? July 2, 2020

Hermann Hesse (1877) Hesse was German novelist and poet who wrote about the individual’s search for spiritual fulfillment, often through mysticism. His major works include Siddhartha and Steppenwolf. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1946. At around the time of his death in 1962, his novels began to enjoy a revival of popularity due to their association with some of the themes of the 1960s counterculture movement. What fellow German writers did Hesse help to escape from the Nazis? More…

by · July 2, 2020 · Bulletin Board
Quote of the Day: July 2, 2020

Quote of the Day: July 2, 2020

All violence, all that is dreary and repels, is not power, but the absence of power. Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) 

by · July 2, 2020 · Bulletin Board
Word of the Day: July 2, 2020

Word of the Day: July 2, 2020

dispirit  Definition: (verb) Lower someone’s spirits; make downhearted. Synonyms: cast down, deject, depress, dismay, demoralize Usage: I try to maintain a positive outlook, but the sad stories that are often featured on the nightly news inevitably dispirit me. Discuss.

by · July 2, 2020 · Bulletin Board


DC 9 members, in partnership with Infinite Glass and Metal, will lend their time and specialized skills to repair damaged storefronts of minority-owned businesses Union Glaziers will volunteer at Planet Pharmacy and Valentine Deli Bronx, NY – DC 9 members, in partnership […]

by · July 1, 2020 · Bulletin Board
Whose Birthday Is It? July 1, 2020

Whose Birthday Is It? July 1, 2020

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646) Leibniz was a German philosopher and mathematician who greatly expanded the field of calculus. He also perfected the binary number system—the basis for modern computing—and constructed one of the first practical calculators. A jack-of-all-trades, Leibniz worked on mechanical devices, delved into the study of logic, was a historian and lawyer at times, and is considered one of the fathers of geology. In the early 1700s, he became embroiled in a controversy with Isaac Newton over what issue? More…

by · July 1, 2020 · Bulletin Board
Quote of the Day: July 1, 2020

Quote of the Day: July 1, 2020

A rich man is an honest man—no thanks to him; for he would be a double knave to cheat mankind when he had no need of it. Daniel Defoe (1660-1731) 

by · July 1, 2020 · Bulletin Board
Word of the Day: July 1, 2020

Word of the Day: July 1, 2020

pouter  Definition: (noun) Someone with a habitually sullen or gloomy expression. Synonyms: picklepuss, sourpuss Usage: What will it take for you to stop being such a pouter and enjoy yourself? Discuss.

by · July 1, 2020 · Bulletin Board
Whose Birthday Is It? June 30, 2020

Whose Birthday Is It? June 30, 2020

Michael Phelps (1985) Phelps is an American swimmer who has won 16 Olympic medals, 14 of them gold. He started swimming as a child and competed in his first Olympics at 15. A year later, he became the youngest male ever to set a world swimming record, doing so in the 200-meter butterfly. In 2008, he set a record for most gold medals won at a single Olympiad—eight—while setting as many swimming records. Phelps has several unusual physical characteristics that may give him an edge in the sport. What are they? More…

by · June 30, 2020 · Bulletin Board
Quote of the Day: June 30, 2020

Quote of the Day: June 30, 2020

Accuse not Nature, she hath done her part; do thou but thine. John Milton (1608-1674)

by · June 30, 2020 · Bulletin Board
Word of the Day: June 30, 2020

Word of the Day: June 30, 2020

stockpile  Definition: (noun) Something kept back or saved for future use or a special purpose. Synonyms: reserve, backlog Usage: Over the years, Gina has amassed quite a stockpile of office supplies from her job. Discuss. 

by · June 30, 2020 · Bulletin Board