Articles by: The Bronx Chronicle

Quote of the Day: June 23, 2020

Quote of the Day: June 23, 2020

If any question why we died, tell them, because our fathers lied. Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936)

by · June 23, 2020 · Bulletin Board
Word of the Day: June 23, 2020

Word of the Day: June 23, 2020

vituperation  Definition: (noun) Abusive or venomous language used to express blame or censure or bitter, deep-seated ill will. Synonyms: invective, vitriol Usage: From one open shop came the sound of blows and vituperation, and just as the officer came up to it a man in a gray coat with a shaven head was flung out violently. Discuss.

by · June 23, 2020 · Bulletin Board
Whose Birthday Is It? June 22, 2020

Whose Birthday Is It? June 22, 2020

John Herbert Dillinger, Jr. (1903) Raised in Indiana by a widowed father, Dillinger served a prison term for attempted robbery, then organized a gang and terrorized the Midwest in 1933. He became one of the most notorious criminals in the US. The infamous bank robber escaped jail twice, was involved in 16 killings, and was declared “public enemy number one” before being killed on a Chicago street by FBI agents at the age of 31. He was so well-known that at the scene of his death, bystanders collected what macabre souvenirs? More…

by · June 22, 2020 · Bulletin Board
Quote of the Day: June 22, 2020

Quote of the Day: June 22, 2020

Happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance. Jane Austen (1775-1817)

by · June 22, 2020 · Bulletin Board
Word of the Day: June 22, 2020

Word of the Day: June 22, 2020

antedate  Definition: (verb) Be earlier in time; go back further. Synonyms: antecede, forego, precede, predate Usage: No man can antedate his experience, or guess what faculty or feeling a new object shall unlock. Discuss.

by · June 22, 2020 · Bulletin Board
Whose Birthday Is It? June 21, 2020

Whose Birthday Is It? June 21, 2020

Mary Therese McCarthy (1912) McCarthy began her storied writing career as a drama critic for the Partisan Review in the 1930s, gaining a reputation for wit, intellect, and acerbity—qualities that are evident in her later works of satirical fiction as well as in her personal life. She engaged other authors in public feuds and repeatedly took contentious literary and political stands. Author Lillian Hellman filed a multimillion-dollar libel suit against McCarthy after she made what comment about Hellman’s writing? More…

by · June 21, 2020 · Bulletin Board
Quote of the Day: June 21, 2020

Quote of the Day: June 21, 2020

Although the Devil be the father of lies, he seems, like other great inventors, to have lost much of his reputation by the continual improvements that have been made upon him. Jonathan Swift (1667-1745)

by · June 21, 2020 · Bulletin Board
Word of the Day: June 21, 2020

Word of the Day: June 21, 2020

confute  Definition: (verb) Prove to be false. Synonyms: disprove Usage: He took out a packet of old letters and began turning them over as if in search of one that would confute Terence’s suspicions. Discuss.

by · June 21, 2020 · Bulletin Board
Whose Birthday Is It? June 19, 2020

Whose Birthday Is It? June 19, 2020

Moses Harry Horwitz, AKA Moe Howard (1897) Howard was an American actor and comedian, best known as the leader of the Three Stooges. The fourth of five brothers, he never graduated high school and got into show business by running errands for performers. In 1923, he formed the vaudeville act accompanying Ted Healy that would later become the Three Stooges. The men went on to make more than 200 popular comedy shorts featuring their characteristic brand of violent slapstick. How did Howard come by his trademark bowl-shaped haircut? More…

by · June 19, 2020 · Bulletin Board
Quote of the Day: June 19, 2020

Quote of the Day: June 19, 2020

It is equally offensive to speed a guest who would like to stay and to detain one who is anxious to leave. Homer (900 BC-800 BC) 

by · June 19, 2020 · Bulletin Board
Word of the Day: June 19, 2020

Word of the Day: June 19, 2020

telepathy  Definition: (noun) Apparent communication from one mind to another without using sensory perceptions. Synonyms: thought transference Usage: I sometimes wonder how he knows what I am thinking and whether it is attributable to telepathy. Discuss.

by · June 19, 2020 · Bulletin Board
Whose Birthday Is It? June 18, 2020

Whose Birthday Is It? June 18, 2020

James Montgomery Flagg (1877) A prolific American artist and illustrator, Flagg designed 45 military posters during WWI, including the famous “I Want You” portrait of Uncle Sam. He studied abroad in England and Paris and, upon returning to New York, rapidly won a reputation as a technically skilled, versatile, and vivacious illustrator. Working in pen and ink, watercolor, and oils, he contributed to Judge, Life, St. Nicholas, and other magazines. On whose face did Flagg model his well-known Uncle Sam? More…

by · June 18, 2020 · Bulletin Board
Quote of the Day: June 18, 2020

Quote of the Day: June 18, 2020

Wit is educated insolence. Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) 

by · June 18, 2020 · Bulletin Board
Word of the Day: June 18, 2020

Word of the Day: June 18, 2020

disqualify  Definition: (verb) Make unfit or unsuitable. Synonyms: indispose Usage: Timmy’s dream of joining the Air Force was shattered when he learned that his color blindness would disqualify him. Discuss.

by · June 18, 2020 · Bulletin Board
Whose Birthday Is It? June 17, 2020

Whose Birthday Is It? June 17, 2020

Charles François Gounod (1818) Gounod was French composer who also studied for the priesthood and worked as an organist. Throughout his life, he remained torn between the theatre and the church. His reputation largely rests on his hugely popular 1859 opera, Faust, but he also wrote 15 lesser-known operas, 17 masses, more than 150 songs, and two symphonies. One of his short pieces, “Funeral March of a Marionette,” became well-known—albeit not by name—as the theme to what popular TV show beginning in the 1950s? More…

by · June 17, 2020 · Bulletin Board