
By Rev. J. Loren Russell

Ecclesiastes 12:13 NLT
“That’s the whole story. Here now is my final conclusion: Fear God and obey his commands, for this is everyone’s duty. 14 God will judge us for everything we do, including every secret thing, whether good or bad.”

I share this scripture with you to impress upon you the need to make good decisions. Everyone will be held accountable for the decisions that they make. Whether we know it or not, social spacing, self-isolation or mandatory quarantining all have profound psychological effects. When you find yourself at a point where you must make a decision that can impact the life of someone else, I ask that you do what you were told to do as child, count to ten before you act!

When we get to the other side of COVID 19, and we will, make sure that you don’t regret the decisions you’ve made.

I will leave you with this; know that I am praying for you and that I love you and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it! Now, make it a blessed day.

Rev. J. Loren Russell is President/CEO of The JLR Company for Church Financial Strategy & Consulting; an associate minister at both Goodwill and The Greater Universal Baptist Churches in the Bronx; creator & host of “Matters of Faith – The Radio Show” Mondays 8:00 – 10:00 PM on Facebook LIVE and author of Matters of Faith: The Book. eBook available at

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