Articles by:

Vernuccio’s View: Pope Francis’ Mistake On China

Vernuccio’s View: Pope Francis’ Mistake On China

By Frank V. Vernuccio, Jr., Esq. Pope Francis is considering making an erroneous decision that may have grave consequences for religious freedom, not just for Catholics, but for all people who are suffering at the hands of repressive governments. In the […]

by · December 14, 2016 · Vernuccio's View
President Vladimir Putin, Russia.

Vernuccio’s View: Russia Unveils New Foreign Policy Concept

On December 1, Russia unveiled its new “Foreign Policy Concept.” The document states that Moscow’s policy is “open, foreseeable” and “shaped by centuries” of Russia’s historic role. There is little new in it, the first of its kind since Moscow […]

by · December 7, 2016 · Vernuccio's View
Cuba's communist leader Fidel Castro at t Communist Party Central Committee meeting. Credit: The Telegraph (UK)

Vernuccio’s View: Good Riddance to Fidel Castro

By Frank V. Vernuccio, Esq. Fidel Castro violated human rights in almost every way imaginable. He was a key sponsor of international terrorism. His secret police had informants on every block. He imprisoned an extraordinary number of people, some of […]

by · November 30, 2016 · Obituary, Vernuccio's View
Free Speech Diminished for 6th Straight Year

Free Speech Diminished for 6th Straight Year

Free speech continues to take a beating both in the U.S. and, especially, abroad, and prospects for the future appear worrisome as control of the vital medium of the internet passes from U.S. hands to the United Nation’s International Telecommunications […]

by · November 23, 2016 · Vernuccio's View
Vernuccio’s View: Government Jobs Grow, Manufacturing Jobs Decrease

Vernuccio’s View: Government Jobs Grow, Manufacturing Jobs Decrease

The latest release from the Department of Labor Statistics (BLS)  provides no encouraging news for a jobs environment mired in stagnation.  It does reveal some disturbing structural information about the type of jobs created and the overall economy. According to the […]

by · November 16, 2016 · Labor, Vernuccio's View
Vernuccio’s View: Chinese Military Technology Equals U.S.

Vernuccio’s View: Chinese Military Technology Equals U.S.

Chinese Military Technology Equals U.S. by Frank V. Vernuccio, Jr., J.D. Americans continue to take false comfort in their erroneous belief that the U.S. leads the world in military technology. However, China is nearing or exceeding U.S technology while gaining […]

by · November 9, 2016 · Vernuccio's View
Vernuccio’s View: Criminal Illegal Immigrants Generate Crime Hike

Vernuccio’s View: Criminal Illegal Immigrants Generate Crime Hike

There is evidence that the Obama Administration’s decision not to deport illegal immigrants who have broken the law is responsible for a noteworthy portion of violent crime. According to the Center for Immigration Studies  “In 2013, ICE freed 36,007 convicted […]

by · November 2, 2016 · Vernuccio's View
Vernuccio’s View: Is Obamacare Collapsing?

Vernuccio’s View: Is Obamacare Collapsing?

Is Obamacare Collapsing?  by Frank V. Vernuccio, Jr., J.D.  Those enrolled in Obamacare are facing serious challenges. Rising Premiums is the immediate issue, but more broadly, the survival of the entire program is in jeopardy.  Bloomberg  reports that “Premiums for […]

by · October 26, 2016 · Government, Health, Op Ed, Vernuccio's View
Vernuccio’s View: Veterans Administration Underperforms, Again

Vernuccio’s View: Veterans Administration Underperforms, Again

Despite significant outcries from veterans’ organizations, the general public, and a number of elected officials, the Veterans Administration continues to underperform. Some issues have received widespread coverage. In June, a Military Times study found that “Wait times for veterans seeking medical […]

by · October 19, 2016 · Vernuccio's View
Sunday Opinion: Clinton vs. Trump on Foreign Affairs

Sunday Opinion: Clinton vs. Trump on Foreign Affairs

The United States currently faces more danger than at any time since the conclusion of the Second World War.   However, in the candidates’ debates, and in media coverage overall, questions and reviews about the international perspectives of the two […]

by · October 16, 2016 · Op Ed, Vernuccio's View
Solar Storms and the Earth’s Protective Shield – Laura Roberts Artal

Vernuccio’s View: The Imminent EMP Threat

Even as North Korea moves closer to the ability to launch an ICBM against the American homeland, there is a tendency to underestimate the catastrophic effects even a single nuclear warhead could produce. Just one atomic bomb, exploded at the […]

by · October 12, 2016 · Military, Vernuccio's View
Vernuccio’s View: U.S. Politicians Refuse to Acknowledge Military Threat

Vernuccio’s View: U.S. Politicians Refuse to Acknowledge Military Threat

US Politicians Refuse to Acknowledge Military Threat By Frank V. Vernuccio, Jr., Esq. It is, perhaps, a question better referred to a psychiatrist than to a policy analyst: why many Americans and Europeans refuse to acknowledge the very real, very significant […]

by · October 5, 2016 · Military, Vernuccio's View
Vernuccio’s View: Iran’s Growing Missile Threat

Vernuccio’s View: Iran’s Growing Missile Threat

By Frank V. Vernuccio, Jr., Esq. Tehran’s progress in missile technology points to the regime growing from a regional power to a major international threat. Iran’s missile technology advances, despite international sanctions. Portions of Iran’s missile technology may soon rank among the […]

by · September 28, 2016 · Vernuccio's View
Vernuccio’s View: The Media’s Deafening Silence on Obama’s Foreign Policy

Vernuccio’s View: The Media’s Deafening Silence on Obama’s Foreign Policy

The extraordinary crises in U.S. foreign affairs, and the plight of human rights throughout the world, have failed to gain attention in much of the media. The reasons are clear.  It is the mantra of much of the political left […]

by · September 21, 2016 · Vernuccio's View
Pool via Getty Images

Vernuccio’s View: Obama Internet Transfer Challenged

Obama Internet Transfer Challenged Frank V. Vernuccio, Jr., Esq. A key battle in this most significant free speech fight in decades will take place on September 14, as the Senate Subcommittee on “Oversight Agency Action, Federal Rights and Federal Courts” […]

by · September 14, 2016 · Government, Technology, Vernuccio's View