Articles by:

Vernuccio’s View: Collapse of the Obama Doctrine — Part 2

Vernuccio’s View: Collapse of the Obama Doctrine — Part 2

Collapse of the Obama Doctrine — Part 2 Frank V. Vernuccio, Jr., Esq. Today’s column concludes its analysis of President’s Obama’s failed foreign policies. Middle Eastern turmoil has been an unsolvable dilemma throughout history, but during the Obama Administration, the […]

by · September 7, 2016 · Vernuccio's View
President Barack Obama

Vernuccio’s View: Collapse of the Obama Doctrine

The Obama doctrine can be described as a unilateral drawdown of U.S. military capabilities around the world.

by · August 31, 2016 · Military, Vernuccio's View

Vernuccio’s View: U.S. Military Technology Edge Fading

U.S. Military Technology Edge Fading Frank V. Vernuccio, Jr., JD The world has noticed that America’s stripped defense budgets have allowed potentially hostile nations to gain the lead in cutting-edge weaponry that could decide the fate of a future conflict. […]

by · August 25, 2016 · Military, Vernuccio's View
Vernuccio’s View: Venezuela’s Failing Example of Socialist Economics

Vernuccio’s View: Venezuela’s Failing Example of Socialist Economics

Americans are focused on the Olympics in Brazil, but it is the South American nation of Venezuela that deserves the most attention. Venezuela is a poster child for the shortcomings of socialist economics. The Washington Post recently noted, “Venezuela is…well […]

by · August 17, 2016 · Vernuccio's View
Monroe College Graduation -- President Stephen Jerome confers a degree  to a graduating student.

Vernuccio’s View: Have Universities Harmed America? Part 2

Are colleges shortchanging America’s students—at excessive prices? This is the second in a two-part review of problems with higher education in America. A Consumer Reports study found that 45% of people with student loan debt said that college was not […]

Vernuccio’s View: Have Universities Damaged the U.S.? Part 1

Vernuccio’s View: Have Universities Damaged the U.S.? Part 1

Have universities damaged the U.S.? We begin a two-part review of the impact soaring tuition rates and the “college for all” movement has had on the lives of Americans. For decades, a college education was a means to enhance earning ability, for those […]

by · August 2, 2016 · Vernuccio's View
ISIS fighters in Iraq.

Vernuccio’s View: Ignored Dangers

Both ISIS-motivated attacks and rising threats from Russia and China are becoming a fact of everyday life. It is increasingly evident that many elected officials both in the United States and Europe appear to be philosophically incapable of acknowledging the reality […]

by · July 27, 2016 · Vernuccio's View
Vernuccio’s View: Coup in Turkey vs. Islamic Dictatorship

Vernuccio’s View: Coup in Turkey vs. Islamic Dictatorship

A National Post review notes: “Erdogan is turning his country into an Islam-tilted dictatorship.

by · July 17, 2016 · Op Ed
Vernuccio’s View: Russian Nuclear Weapons Modernize while U.S. Arsenal Diminishes

Vernuccio’s View: Russian Nuclear Weapons Modernize while U.S. Arsenal Diminishes

The NATO summit just concluded has sounded the alarm about Russia’s dangerous actions in Europe. The Hague has handed down a decision against China’s aggression in the Pacific (South China Sea). Iran continues to seek nuclear weapons, and North Korea […]

by · July 13, 2016 · Military, Vernuccio's View
FBI Finds Clinton Wrongdoing But Doesn’t Seek Punishment

FBI Finds Clinton Wrongdoing But Doesn’t Seek Punishment

FBI Director James B. Comey’s decision not  to indict Hillary Clinton should not be reviewed in terms of its effect on the 2016 campaign. Far more important is its effect on the federal system of justice, and its increasing susceptibility to […]

by · July 6, 2016 · Uncategorized
Vernuccio’s View: Campaign Regs Attack Free Speech

Vernuccio’s View: Campaign Regs Attack Free Speech

The trend towards restricting free speech through campaign finance regulations is gaining speed, on both the national and state levels. The supporters of these anti-First Amendment moves allege that they are seeking to reduce the influence of money in politics.  […]

by · July 6, 2016 · Vernuccio's View
Fireworks explode in central London

Personal Freedom Under Attack

  As Independence Day approaches, it is appropriate to recall that individual freedom was the central concept that inspired the birth of the United States two hundred and forty years ago. Increasingly, however, that idea is imperiled by the rapid […]

by · June 29, 2016 · Vernuccio's View
Vernuccio’s View: Most Dangerous Maritime Dispute

Vernuccio’s View: Most Dangerous Maritime Dispute

Vernuccio’s View: Most Dangerous Maritime Dispute     The world’s most dangerous maritime dispute is awaiting a ruling from the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague. China has unlawfully laid claim to almost the entire oceanic area known as […]

by · June 22, 2016 · Vernuccio's View
ISIS fighters in Iraq.

Appeasement and self-criticism will not stop terror

Vernuccio’s View    The ruthless assault on a gay nightclub in Orlando illustrates a reality that those who have advocated reducing America’s activist role in the world fail to comprehend.  The bitter hatred against the United States is not the […]

by · June 13, 2016 · Breaking News, World News

Internet Free Speech Faces Grim Future

The world does not share America’s reverence for free speech, and that is becoming a problem for First Amendment supporters at home in the United States. The issue is exacerbated by the move to internationalize internet control, scheduled to be […]

by · June 8, 2016 · World News