Articles by: Dennis Conforto

Why the two Party system is corrupt

Why the two Party system is corrupt

he problem with the Republican and Democratic parties is the political machinery of both the parties are slow, corrupt, and can no longer serve the interests of the American people. This political machinery serves only to protect the two-party system […]

by · October 19, 2022 · Bulletin Board
We are the modern day American Slaves

We are the modern day American Slaves

History is important, and the compete history of anything is even more important if we want the perspective and truth of our collective past. There is a danger when half the story of our history is told. This is because […]

by · October 17, 2022 · Bulletin Board
The Federal Student Loan Ponzi Scheme

The Federal Student Loan Ponzi Scheme

If you want to see how the political elites break things, they touch then the Federal Direct Student loan program is the perfect example of how their spectacular incompetency works. It all started in 1973 when a group of these […]

by · October 8, 2022 · Bulletin Board
The rabbit hole of social media!

The rabbit hole of social media!

The rabbit hole of all social media platforms with their Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies based on an advertising model have now laid waste to civility not only in America but though out the whole world. The technology is designed to […]

by · September 27, 2022 · Bulletin Board
The Injustice of the great Double Standard

The Injustice of the great Double Standard

There is something about a double standard that to my way of thinking is completely un-American. We see the creation of double standards among the political elites more than ever before. And these new double standards are really starting to […]

by · September 25, 2022 · Bulletin Board
Biden speech insured the Big Red Wave they feared

Biden speech insured the Big Red Wave they feared

I listen to President Biden speech four times. And each time I listened to it I was more stunned than the previous time. I listen to it several times because I wanted to make sure I was understanding his message […]

by · September 5, 2022 · Bulletin Board
Why Bidens Liberalism is Dangerous

Why Bidens Liberalism is Dangerous

No matter how hard I try, I just do not understand liberal thinking at all. Recently I was listening to Joe Biden talking about his latest proposed bill. I was stunned just how crazy and dangerous liberal thinking is. But […]

by · August 4, 2022 · Bulletin Board
The New World Order is almost here

The New World Order is almost here

Since the dawn of time there has been something within humanity that is at best disturbing, and at worst is absolute evil. It is the desire by the elite to have complete control over the many. However, the goal for […]

by · July 24, 2022 · Bulletin Board
Be more than a critic and a talker

Be more than a critic and a talker

Critics are everywhere in life. But they all seem to have the same things in common. Here is how I generally see them. 1. They speak with great authority about things they have never done themselves or know little about. […]

by · July 6, 2022 · Bulletin Board
Abortion can now finally be debated by Lawmakers

Abortion can now finally be debated by Lawmakers

One of the most polarizing political issues of our day is abortion. It has been made increasingly polarizing by those on the extreme right, and the extreme left. Both from my standpoint are equally unreasonable in their thinking and approach. […]

by · June 28, 2022 · Bulletin Board
A record of massive and destructive failures

A record of massive and destructive failures

Well, it is now more than obvious the Democrats are going to face a huge wave that will overwhelm them like a tsunami come November election. Honestly, they completely deserve the wipeout that is coming their way because of what […]

by · June 14, 2022 · Bulletin Board
The January 6th Political Sham Trials Begin- Version 2

The January 6th Political Sham Trials Begin- Version 2

Ok it is once again political theater time brought to you by the Democrat party run by the liberal socialist elites. You know the very people who have set the country on fire for the last two years and broke […]

by · June 11, 2022 · Bulletin Board
Dennis Conforto,

The January 6th Political Sham Trails Begin

Ok it is once again political theater time brought to you by the Democrat party run by the liberal socialist elites. You know the very people who have set the country on fire for the last two years and broke […]

by · June 10, 2022 · Bulletin Board
Dennis Conforto,

Why liberals really hate guns

I wanted to let the dust settle before I commented about what happened in Texas and the continued divide the liberals then created with this tragedy by attacking gun ownership rather than the core issues with all mass killings of […]

by · June 3, 2022 · Bulletin Board
Dennis Conforto,

The Disinformation Board is a Hallmark of Socialism

The so-called de facto department of truth, or the disinformation board within homeland security agency is one of the most outrageous attempts of control by the socialist democrats found with the power structure of our government. In a typical socialist […]

by · May 9, 2022 · Bulletin Board